Friday, April 11, 2008

"Singalong At Shea" With Colgems

This is a news item that probably isn't making much of a presence outside of the New York Metropolitan area, but within the New York area, this has been a major news item for about a week.

It appears that the New York Mets are trying to choose an official song, which they will play at home games during the eighth inning whether they are winning or losing. They had an online poll, and rather than choose the various suggestions Mets management made, some unscrupulous Internet-ites chose a horrid Rick Astley song.

The Mets were backed into a corner, and had to play that song to see how it would fare amongst fans. It was roundly booed.

The next day, the Mets played a Bon Jovi song, which met with a collective "who cares" from the fans.

Then, on Thursday, April 10, the Mets played the Monkees' "I'm a Believer." Guess what? The fans loved it!

According to news reports, this song surged ahead of the others "based on the hearty singing [of fans] that accompanied it."

Next up is long-time New York area favorite Billy Joel's "Movin' Out."

What any of this has to do with baseball is anyone's guess. I'm a Yankee fan, anyway.

But I still would go with "I'm a Believer."


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