Which Colgems Album Do You Want Posted
Now it's your turn to decide what is the next Colgems album I will post on my Yahoo sites Music Rewind and Theme With No Name. Please vote for up to three choices. When I get a representative sample of votes, I will post the album that received the most choices.
What Colgems album should be offered on Music Rewind and Theme With No Name?
Casino Royale
Sajid Khan
Murderers Row
Lewis and Clarke Expedition
Getting Straight
In Cold Blood
Mixed Singles (label artists' 45s)
How about the mono version of The Birds the Bees and the Monkees?
7:44 PM
I am going to hold off on that one, because in a few months, Rhino will release that one on CD in their latest Monkees reissue series.
I have the album in mono, and the differences between mono and stereo are pretty startling.
The only Monkees album I might post is Changes, because it is not included in the reissue series.
4:57 AM
8:57 AM
I am going to take all the votes from my three sources--here, Music Rewind and Theme With No Name--tally them, and come up with a winner.
Right now, it is pretty close among three albums. I won't tell you which three, just to make it more interesting.
10:49 AM
I will be posting the winning album of this little contest later this week, along with the link to obtain the files. This race has been closer than I thought it would be, so stay tuned.
10:35 AM
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