Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Original Instant Replay Cover

Here is the original Instant Replay cover. Notice the changes in the photos of Mike, Micky and Davy--very different from the cassette cover, and different from the rereleases that followed.


Blogger Dan said...

Larry, thanks for posting that cover! It's interesting, I think I like the cassette/Puerto Rican LP cover with the red center pix better than these white pix. The expressions on their faces isn't very appealing (in the white) and their heads look as though they're floating. Cool to compare, though! Thanks again!

1:49 PM

Blogger Larry said...

No problem. I think by this point, RCA really didn't know what to do with the now three member group, and why they had two different covers is truly anyone's guess.

The record is pretty bad, by the way, mainly throwaways that didn't cut it on earlier recordings.

5:56 AM

Blogger WaltDatedWorld said...

Yes, but "I Won't Be the Same Without Her" is good. I can't say the same for "Shorty Blackwell". Micky wrote that about his cat!

8:23 AM


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